Get in touch
How do I contact you for advertising and/or partnerships?
We love working with brands and businesses and are happy to create partnerships of all shapes and sizes. Please email us at for our media kit.
Where else can I see your content?
You can find us on Twitter, Pinterest, Facebook and Instagram. We also send a weekly email newsletter. You can subscribe here, if you’d like.
Can I submit my own stories to your website?
We are always open to stories, experiences and opinions from our community. Your pieces will be featured with a byline post an internal edit from our team.

To submit pieces or pitches please follow the below guidelines: - Include a short description of your piece in the email.
- Send in your article in MS Word format. PDFs would not be accepted.
- Share a one-line bio of yourself and your Instagram/Twitter handles.
- The article should be between 400-600 words.
- Please mention appropriate references if used.
- Send your ideas and submission to with the subject:  SUBMISSION_(your proposed title/headline)
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